Brand - Archaeopress
Performance, Power and the Art of the Aegean Bronze Age (Bar International Series)
EAN 9781841716930 -
L"habitat traditionnel a `Aima: Enquete ethnoarcheologique dans un village jordanien (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International)
EAN 9780860548560 80.75 USD -
Prevalence and Patterns of Disease in Early Medieval Populations (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407304564 89.26 USD -
Archaeologists Without Boundaries: Towards a History of International Congresses (1866-2006) (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407306223 59.49 USD -
Il Ginnasio Greco: Genesi, Topografia e Culti dei Luoghi della Paideia (BAR International) (Italian and English Edition)
EAN 9781407311456 101.65 USD -
Die Raumliche Organisation der Linearbandkeramischen Rinderhaltung: Naturwissenschaftliche und Archaologische Unterschungen (British Archaeological Reports International Series)
EAN 9781407308821 187.50 USD -
The Middle and Later Stone Ages in Mukogodo Hills of Central Kenya (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781841712512 56.25 USD -
The Heart of Wisdom: Studies on the Heart Amulet in Ancient Egypt (Bar S International)
EAN 9781407307695 80.75 USD -
Warfare and Violence in the Iron Age of Southern France (Bar International)
EAN 9781407309989 69.08 USD -
Geoarchaeology of Lebanon"s Ancient Harbours (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407304366 118.75 USD -
Social, Economic and Symbolic Perspectives at the Dawn of Metal Production (Bar International Series)
EAN 9781407309620 54.14 USD -
Production, Use and Disposal of Romano-British Pewter Tableware (Bar British)
EAN 9781407303888 100.62 USD -
Roman Britain and Classical Deities: Gender and Sexuality in Roman Art (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407304274 60.44 USD -
Sacred and Civic Stone Monuments of the Northwest Roman Provinces (Bar S)
EAN 9781407306506 83.13 USD