Brand - Archaeopress
The Dispersal of the Neolithic Over the Arabian Peninsula (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407305028 106.88 USD -
Northern Pasts: Interpretations of the Later Prehistory of Northern England and Southern Scotland (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) British)
EAN 9781841710662 65.25 USD -
Enclosing the Neolithic: Recent studies in Britain and Europe (Bar International)
EAN 9781407310398 72.23 USD -
Rock Carvings of the European and African Atlantic Facade (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407306193 128.25 USD -
Personal Ornamentation as an Indicator of Cultural Diversity in the Roman North (BAR British)
EAN 9781407308562 95.00 USD -
The Bath in Greece in Classical Antiquity: The Peloponnese (Bar S)
EAN 9781407309552 104.50 USD -
Cultural and Visual Flux at Early Historical Bagh in Central India (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407301518 -
Mosaici Tardoantichi dell"isola di Cos: Scavi italiani 1912-1945 (BAR International) (Italian Edition)
EAN 9781407311333 -
The Use of Social Space in Early Medieval Irish Houses with Particular Reference to Ulster (bar bs)
EAN 9781407310022 -
Status of Prehistoric Studies in the Twenty-First Century in India (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407304069 64.13 USD -
Tradition and Originality: a Study of Exekias (Bar International)
EAN 9781407305684 -
Le role de l"environnement dans les comportements des chasseurs-cueilleurs prehistoriques (British Archaeological Reports)
EAN 9781841714837 76.00 USD -
NW Europe in Transition - The Early Neolithic in Britain and South Sweden (British Archaeological Reports International Series)
EAN 9781407310879 51.30 USD -
Intersections: the Archaeology and History of Christianity in England, 400-1200 (Bar British Series)
EAN 9781407305400 120.88 USD