Brand - Archaeopress
Catalogue et etude des faux et des outils agricoles de coupe a lame et a manche entiers en Gaule (Bar International) (French Edition)
EAN 9781407309668 67.93 USD -
Symbolic Spaces in Prehistoric Art: Territories, Travels and Site Locations (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407305332 76.08 USD -
Alexandrian and Alexandria-Influenced Mould-Made Lamps of the Hellenistic Period (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9780860548669 87.50 USD -
Investigation into Dynamics of Ancient Egyptian Pharmacology: A Statistical Analysis of Papyrus Ebers and Cross-cultural Medical Thinking (BAR International)
EAN 9781407308463 -
Papers from the European Association of Archaeologists Third Annual Meeting at Ravenna, Volume 1: Pre- and Protohistory (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International)
EAN 9780860548942 -
Forest Bioresource Utilisation in the Eastern Mediterranean since Antiquity: A case study of the Makheras, Cyprus (Bar International Series)
EAN 9781841716039 90.25 USD -
A Million Years of Hominin Sociality and Cognition: Acheulean Bifaces in the Hunsgi-Baichbal Valley, India (British Archaeological Reports International Series)
EAN 9781407310794 -
Etude du material de Hulbuk (Ma wara"al-nahr-Khuttal), de la conquete islamique jusqu"au milieu du XIe siecle (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407304250 147.25 USD -
Spatromische Befestigungsanlagen in der Rhein- und Donauprovinzen (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International)
EAN 9780860548874 -
The Masonry Defences of Roman Silchester (Calleva Atrebatum), North Hampshire: Building materials, building styles and the building programme (BAR British)
EAN 9781407311104 -
Paliochora on Kythera: Survey and Interpretation (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
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Gem Mounts and the Classical Tradition: Supplement to A Collection of Classical and Eastern Intaglios, Rings and Cameos (2003) (Studies in Gems and Jewellery)
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The History of Archaeological Research in the Melfese: A Bibliography from the Sites of Lavello, Melfi and Ripacandida (Bar International Series)
EAN 9781407306568 66.38 USD -
Archaeology of the Upper Witham Valley: Prehistoric Visitors, Iron Age Settlement and a Romano-British Landscape dominated by a new Villa (Bar British Series)
EAN 9781407307374 114.49 USD