Brand - Archaeopress
Archaeology of Mother Earth Sites and Sanctuaries through the Ages: Rethinking Symbols and Images, Art and Artefacts from History and Prehistory (Bar International)
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The Representation of Monkeys in the Art and Thought of Mediterranean Cultures: A New Perspective on Ancient Primates (Bar S)
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La Peninsule d"Oman de la fin de l"Age du Fer au debut de la periode sassanide (250 av. - 350 ap. JC) (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
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Modelling the Effects of Tillage Processes on Artefact Distributions in the Ploughzone (Bar British)
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Cognitive Archaeology as Symbolic Archaeology (Bar International: Union Internationale Des Sciences Prehistoriques Et Protohistoriques / International ... and Protohistoric Scienc) (Pt. 23)
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Late Roman African Cookware of the Palatine East Excavations, Rome: A holistic approach (Bar Internationial Series)
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Scythians is a Name Given Them by the Greeks: An Analysis of Six Barrow Burials on the West Eurasian Steppe (Bar International Series)
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The Funerary Landscape at Knossos (Bar International)
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Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies: Volume 42 2012. Papers from the forty-fifth meeting, London, 28-30 July 2011
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Indigenous Archaeology in India: Prospects for an Archaeology of the Subaltern (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
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Modeling Socioeconomic Evolution and Continuity in Ancient Egypt (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
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Hidden Landscapes of Mediterranean Europe. Cultural and Methodological Biases in Pre- and Protohistoric Landscape Studies: Proceedings of the ... 25-27, 2007 (British Archaeological Reports)
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Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Evolutionary Archaeology (Bar International: International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric ... Sciences Prehistoriques Et Protohistoriques)
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The Mamasani Archaeological Project Stage One (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
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