Brand - Eisenbrauns
Of God(s), Trees, Kings, and Scholars: Neo-assyrian and Related Studies in Honour of Simo Parpola
EAN 9789519380728 -
Diglossia in Ancient Hebrew (American Oriental Series)
EAN 9780940490727 33.25 USD -
Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography
EAN 9781575062150 -
Beginning Biblical Hebrew
EAN 9781575060224 53.25 USD -
Correspondence of the Kings of Ur: Epistolary History of an Ancient Mesopotamian Kingdom
EAN 9781575061948 85.03 USD -
Studies in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic Based on Early Eastern Manuscripts
EAN 9781575069388 42.70 USD -
From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire
EAN 9781575060316 79.50 USD -
The Records of the Early Hittite Empire
EAN 9780614039979 -
The Chronciler"s Use of the Deuteronomistic History
EAN 9781575069265 59.49 USD -
The Salibhadra-Dhanna-Carita (American Oriental Series)
EAN 9780940490734 52.00 USD -
Comparative Semitic Linguistics: A Manual
EAN 9781575060217 37.38 USD -
Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babylonian Period
EAN 9781575060736 56.53 USD -
Introduction to the Literature of the Hebrew Bible: Jerusalem Biblical Studies
EAN 9789652420091 -
Time and the Biblical Hebrew Verb: The Expression of Tense, Aspect, and Modality in Biblical Hebrew
EAN 9781575062563 77.09 USD