Brand - Eisenbrauns
Writing on the Wall: The Architectural Context of Late Assyrian Palace (Mesopotamian Civilizations, 9) (Mesopotamian Civilizations, 9)
EAN 9780931464959 66.14 USD -
Royal Inscriptions of Sennacherib: 1: King of Assyria 704-681 BC
EAN 9781575062419 85.03 USD -
Royal Inscriptions of Esarhaddon, King of Assyria 680-699 BC
EAN 9781575062099 85.03 USD -
Confronting the Past: Archaeological and Historical Essays on Ancient Israel in Honor of William G. Dever
EAN 9781575061177 62.55 USD -
Arabic Writing Today: Drama (American Research Center in Egypt, Publications Series : Vol 2)
EAN 9780936770000 -
The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem: Judah Under Babylonian Rule
EAN 9781575060958 61.27 USD -
Astronomical Dating of Babylon I and Ur II (Occasional Papers on the Near East)
EAN 9780317038811 -
Leaders, Legacies and Linkages in Assyriology and Bible: Collected Essays
EAN 9781575062303 79.83 USD -
Leaving No Stones Unturned: Essays on the Ancient Near East and Egypt in Honor of Donald P. Hansen
EAN 9781575060552 59.50 USD -
Lahav II Households and the Use of Domestic Space at Iron II Tell Halif: An Archaeology of Destruction
EAN 9781575061634 -
Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Kurdistan: Texts, Grammar, and Vocabulary (American Oriental Series)
EAN 9780940490642 -
Court Poetry and Literary Miscellanea (State Archives of Assyria Ser, Vol 3) (State Archives of Assyria Series)
EAN 9789515700438 -
Sacred Time, Sacred Place: Archaeology and the Religion of Israel
EAN 9781575060545 45.13 USD -
Obadiah: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary
EAN 9780686791485