Brand - Eisenbrauns
Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography (Mesopotamian Civilizations, 8)
EAN 9780931464997 -
Canaanite Religion: According to the Liturgical Texts of Ugarit
EAN 9781575060897 -
A Handbook on Isaiah (Textual Criticism and the Translator, V. 1) (Textual Criticism and the Translator, V. 1)
EAN 9781575060231 38.25 USD -
A Survey of the Scientific Manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library (Catalogs American Research Center in Egypt, Vol 5)
EAN 9780936770154 58.50 USD -
Religion and Law: Biblical-Judaic and Islamic Perspectives
EAN 9780931464393 56.53 USD -
Royal Statuary of Early Dynastic Mesopotamia
EAN 9781575061733 94.53 USD -
The Verbal Tense System in Late Biblical Hebrew Prose
EAN 9781575069432 -
Under Every Green Tree: Popular Religion in 6th Century Judah
EAN 9781575069159 -
Atra-Hasis: The Babylonian Story of the Flood
EAN 9781575060392 -
The Theology of Meaning: Abd Al Qahir Al Jurjanis Theory of Discourse (American Oriental Series)
EAN 9780940490796 37.53 USD -
Phoenicia: Episodes and Anecdotes from the Ancient Mediterranean
EAN 9781575061818 -
Markedness in Canaanite and Hebrew Verbs
EAN 9781575069289 50.67 USD -
Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt
EAN 9789997987419 -
Catalog of Biblical Passages in the Dead Sea Scrolls
EAN 9780932055033