Of God(s), Trees, Kings, and Scholars: Neo-assyrian and Related Studies in Honour of Simo Parpola

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9789519380728

Brand Eisenbrauns

2009, xxiv + 503 pp., Including articles: Bibliography of the Publications of Simo Parpola. Neo-Assyrian Studies. Claus Ambos, Eunuchen als Thronprätendenten und Herrscher im alten Orient; Sanna Aro, The Origins of the Artistic Interactions between the Assyrian Empire and North Syria Revisited; Frederick Mario Fales, "To Speak Kindly to him/them" as Item of Assyrian Political Discourse; Sabrina Favaro, Osservazioni sull"orticoltura di epoca neo-assira; Eckart Frahm, Assurbanipal at Der; Salvatore Gaspa, "Wiping the Pot Clean": On Cooking Pots and Polishing Operations in Neo-Assyrian Sources; Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, The Camels of Tiglath-pileser III and the Arabic Definite Article; Theodore Kwasman, A Neo-Assyrian Royal Funerary Text; Alasdair Livingstone, Remembrance at Assur: The Case of the Dated Aramaic Memorials; Raija Mattila, The Chief Singer and Other Late Eponyms; Jamie Novotny & Jennifer Singletary, Family Ties: Assurbanipal"s Family Revisited; Barbara Nevling Porter, Noseless in Nimrud: More Figurative Responses to Assyrian Domination; Karen Radner, The Assyrian King and his Scholars: The Syro-Anatolian and Egyptian Schools; Julian Reade, Fez, Diadem, Turban, Chaplet: Power-Dressing at the Assyrian Court; Saana Svärd & Mikko Luukko, Who Were the "Ladies of the House" in the Assyrian Empire? Assyriological and Interdisciplinary Studies. Amar Annus, Some Otherwordly Journeys in Mesopotamian, Jewish, Mandaean and Yezidi Traditions; Muhammad Dandamayev, The Diverse Enterprises of Šumu-ukin from Babylon; Veysel Donbaz, Two Middle Assyrian Contracts Housed in Istanbul; Tapani Harviainen, Wilhelm Lagus: A Pioneer of Cuneiform Research in Finland; Martti Nissinen, Wisdom as Mediatrix in Sirach 24: Ben Sira, Lovely Lyrics, and Prophecy; Simonetta Ponchia, Some Reflections on Metaphor, Ambiguity and Literary Tradition; Robert Rollinger, Altorientalisches im Buch Judith.