Brand - Eisenbrauns
The Private Lives of Women in Persian Egypt
EAN 9781575062709 65.81 USD -
Literary Motifs and Patterns in the Hebrew Bible: Collected Studies
EAN 9781575062617 -
Catalogue of the Scientific Manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library (American Research Center in Egypt Catalogs Series)
EAN 9780936770222 -
Text and Canon of the Hebrew Bible: Collected Studies
EAN 9781575061924 53.55 USD -
From the Banks of the Euphrates: Studies in Honor of Alice Louise Slotsky
EAN 9781575061443 53.55 USD -
Index to the Journal of the American Oriental Society: Index for Volumes 21 to 60
EAN 9780940490406 5.00 USD -
Family and Household Religion in Ancient Israel and the Levant
EAN 9781575062327 90.10 USD -
A Grammar of the Hittite Language, PT.2: Tutorial (Languages of the Ancient Near East)
EAN 9781575061481 38.76 USD -
Eblaitica: 4: Essays on the Ebla Language (Archibes and Eblaitem Language)
EAN 9781575060606 61.62 USD -
Introduction to the Semitic Languages: Text Specimens and Grammatical Sketches
EAN 9780931464102 51.78 USD -
What Was Authoritative for Chronicles?
EAN 9781575062181 51.44 USD -
From the Rivers of Babylon to the Highlands of Judah
EAN 9781575062143 51.75 USD -
Old Testament Theology: Flowering and Future (Sources for Biblical and Theological Study, 1) (Sources for Biblical and Theological Study, 1) (Sources for ... for Biblical and Theological Study, 1)
EAN 9781575060965 47.45 USD -
Ritual in Narrative: The Dynamics of Feasting, Mourning, and Retaliation Rites in the Ugaritic Tale of Aqhat
EAN 9781575060460 43.58 USD