Brand - State University of New York Press
Creativity & Common Sens CB (SUNY series in philosophy)
EAN 9780887064463 -
Whitehead, Process Philosophy, and Education
EAN 9780873955744 58.14 USD -
From Girl to Woman: American Women"s Coming-Of-Age Narratives (Suny Series in Feminist Criticism and Theory)
EAN 9780791457214 -
A Study of Dogen: His Philosophy and Religion
EAN 9780791408377 -
Reinventing Leadership: Making the Connection Between Politics and Business (Suny Series, Leadership Studies)
EAN 9780791440728 26.80 USD -
Indeterminacy and Intelligibility (SUNY Series in Systematic Philosophy)
EAN 9780791411742 28.11 USD -
Rene Daumal: The Life and Work of a Mystic Guide (S U N Y Series in Western Esoteric Traditions)
EAN 9780791436332 53.50 USD -
Textbooks in American Society: Politics, Policy, and Pedagogy (S U N Y Series, Frontiers in Education)
EAN 9780791406700 28.04 USD -
The Trouble With Evil: Social Control at the Edge of Morality (S U N Y Series in Deviance and Social Control)
EAN 9780791432433 27.56 USD -
Eco-Phenomenology: Back to the Earth Itself (Suny Series in Environmental Philosophy and Ethics)
EAN 9780791456224 27.85 USD -
Liberation As Affirmation: The Religiosity of Zhuangzi and Nietzsche (Suny Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture)
EAN 9780791466681 27.73 USD -
African Americans and College Choice: The Influence of Family and School
EAN 9780791461921 27.98 USD -
Organizational Communication and Cultural Vision: Approaches for Analysis (S U N Y Series in Human Communication Processes)
EAN 9780791415382 28.10 USD -
Gaps in Nature: Literary Interpretation and the Modular Mind (Suny Series, the Margins of Literature)
EAN 9780791413883 28.14 USD