Brand - State University of New York Press
The Dream of an Absolute Language: Emanuel Swedenborg and French Literary Culture
EAN 9780791429259 44.11 USD -
Family Feuds: Wollstonecraft, Burke, and Rousseau on the Transformation of the Family
EAN 9780791467060 28.24 USD -
Islam in Practice: Religious Beliefs in a Persian Village
EAN 9780887066788 34.78 USD -
Meditate (SUNY series in transpersonal and humanistic psychology)
EAN 9780873954716 -
From Tb to AIDS: Epidemics Among Urban Blacks Since 1900 (S U N Y Series in Afro-American Studies)
EAN 9780791405284 -
The Political Economy of Development: Development Theory and the Prospects for Change in the Third World (S U N Y Series in Radical Social and Political Theory)
EAN 9780791409091 -
Scattering Point: The World in a Mennonite Eye
EAN 9780791456583 28.59 USD -
Teaching: The Imperiled Profession
EAN 9780873957885 -
Issues in Contemp Microec CB
EAN 9780873959445 50.48 USD -
Managing Medicaid Managed Care
EAN 9780914341932 36.44 USD -
The Ego and the Dynamic Ground: A Transpersonal Theory of Human Development
EAN 9780791422564 27.13 USD -
Feel These Words: Writing in the Lives of Urban Youth
EAN 9781438426525 23.52 USD -
Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought: Essays in Environmental Philosophy (Suny Series in Philosophy and Biology)
EAN 9780887069512 28.77 USD -
Discourse and Democracy: Essays on Habermas"s Between Facts and Norms (Suny Series in Social and Political Thought)
EAN 9780791454985 33.68 USD