A Study of Dogen: His Philosophy and Religion

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780791408377

"This book is about the central ideas of the most important Buddhist spokesman in Japanese history and is written by one of the most respected and authoritative of his interpreters. It reflects a lifetime of knowledgeable and concerted thinking about Dogen." -- Francis H. Cook, University of California, Riverside "It is a truly outstanding contribution to Dogen scholarship as well as East-West comparative philosophy by one of the most distinguished modern Japanese thinkers of our time. This makes for a powerful and truly illuminating volume." -- Steve Odin, University of Hawaii This complete translation of Masao Abe"s essays on Dogen probes the core of the Zen master"s philosophy and religion. This work analyzes Dogen"s formative doubt concerning the notion of original awakening as the basis for his unique approach to nonduality in the doctrines of the oneness of practice and attainment, the unity of beings and Buddha-nature, the simultaneity of time and eternity, and the identity of life and death. Abe also offers insightful, critical comparisons of Dogen and various Buddhist and Western thinkers, especially Shinran and Heidegger. "This is a crystal-clear handling of extremely difficult subject matter. The analyses are subtle and at the same time lucid. The author has a profound and brilliant understanding of Dogen and Shinran and is also well-grounded in Western philosophy and religion." -- Joan Stambaugh, Hunter College