Brand - State University of New York Press
The Ottoman Empire and the World Economy: The Nineteenth Century (Suny Series in Middle Eastern Studies)
EAN 9780887068041 -
Unruly Catholic Women Writers: Creative Responses to Catholicism
EAN 9781438448732 58.50 USD -
Making Poems: Forty Poems with Commentary by the Poets (Excelsior Editions)
EAN 9781438431765 23.36 USD -
Teaching and Testimony: Rigoberta Menchu and the North American Classroom (Interruptions : Border Testimony(Ies) and Critical Discourse/S)
EAN 9780791430149 28.90 USD -
Between Ethics and Aesthetics: Crossing the Boundaries (S U N Y Series in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art)
EAN 9780791451953 78.61 USD -
The Rise of the Goddess in the Hindu Tradition
EAN 9780791421123 22.29 USD -
Philology and Confrontation: Paul Hacker on Traditional and Modern Vedanta
EAN 9780791425824 28.62 USD -
International Relations in the Nuclear Age 1 World: Difficult to Manage
EAN 9780887060403 -
The Well of Being: Childhood, Subjectivity, And Education (Suny Series, Early Childhood Education: Inquiries and Insights) (Suny Series, Early Childhood Education: Inquiries & Insights)
EAN 9780791468265 29.16 USD -
Still in the Hamptons: More Tales of the Rich, the Famous, and the Rest of Us (Excelsior Editions)
EAN 9781438444130 21.97 USD -
Essays on Islamic Philosophy and Science (Studies in Islamic Philosophy and Science)
EAN 9780873952248 -
The Lord Who Is Half Woman: Ardhanarisvara in Indian and Feminist Perspective
EAN 9780791453254 65.19 USD -
Locating Race: Global Sites of Post-Colonial Citizenship (Explorations in Postcolonial Studies)
EAN 9780791476826 28.87 USD -
The Principles of Buddhist Psychology (Buddhist Studies)
EAN 9780887064036