Brand - Information Today
Essential Guide to d Base 4 in Libraries on Disk (Supplement to computers in libraries)
EAN 9780887365324 -
Jewish Resistance to the Holocaust (Nazi Holocaust, Vol 7)
EAN 9780887362620 -
EAN 9780938734895 42.50 USD -
James Madison: A Bibliography (Meckler"s Bibliographies of the Presidents of the U.S., Vol. 4)
EAN 9780887361180 -
Cd-Roms in Print, 1994: An International Guide to Cd-Rom, Cd-I, Cdtv and Electronic Book Products/Spring
EAN 9780887369544 -
Integrated Library Systems for PCs and PC Networks: Descriptive and Analytical Reviews of Current Products
EAN 9780887369711 37.64 USD -
EAN 9780887360473 -
EAN 9780887368509 -
EAN 9780835244046 338.53 USD -
EAN 9780887360763 -
EAN 9780887362699 -
Micrographics and Optical Storage Equipment Review (Micrograhics & optical storage equipment review)
EAN 9780887367564 -
Calvin Coolidge (Meckler Bibliographies of the Presidents of the United States 1789-1989 Series : No. 29)
EAN 9780887361432 -
Information Networking 93: Using the Network - Proceedings of the First Annual Conference on Information Networking Held in London, 1993
EAN 9780887369360