Brand - Information Today
Computers in Libraries Canada, 1991: Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference
EAN 9780887368387 -
EAN 9781573874526 47.90 USD -
Checklist of Bibliographies appearing in the Bulletin of Bibliography 1897-1987
EAN 9780887362378 -
American Book Trade Directory 2002-2003 (American Book Trade Directory, 48th ed)
EAN 9781573871365 345.86 USD -
Forgotten Heroes: Japan"s Imprisonment of American Civilians in the Philippines
EAN 9780887363863 -
Acid Rain: A Bibliography of Canadian Documents
EAN 9780887365270 -
EAN 9780887369445 -
Library Lans: Case Studies in Practice and Application (Supplements to Computers in Libraries)
EAN 9780887367861 38.25 USD -
OIS Document Management "93: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference Held in London, 1993
EAN 9780887369377 -
EAN 9780887360350 -
Cd-Roms in Print 1994: An International Guide to Cd-Rom, Multimedia, & Electronic Book Products
EAN 9780887369537 -
EAN 9780887368400 -
Computers in Libraries International 1991: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference Held in London, 1991
EAN 9780887367540