Brand - Metalmark
History of the Great Flood in Johnstown, Pa., May 31, 1889, by Which over Ten Thousand Lives Were Lost
EAN 9780271024943 43.34 USD -
Proverbs of the Pennsylvania Germans
EAN 9780271036458 35.27 USD -
The Story of Johnstown: Its Early Settlement, Rise and Progress, Industrial Growth, and Appalling Flood on May 31st, 1889
EAN 9780271064529 49.00 USD -
A Few Scraps, Oily and Otherwise
EAN 9780271062129 42.82 USD -
The Diarium of Magister Johannes Kelpius
EAN 9780271056463 35.50 USD -
Juniata Memories: Legends Collected in Central Pennsylvania
EAN 9780271052397 45.14 USD -
Black Forest Souvenirs: Collected in Northern Pennsylvania
EAN 9780271056449 57.74 USD -
Falckner"s Curieuse Nachricht von Pensylvania: The Book that Stimulated the Great German Immigration to Pennsylvania in the Early Years of the XVIII Century (Metalmark Books)
EAN 9780271053844 36.93 USD -
North Pennsylvania Minstrelsy: As Sung in the Backwood Settlements, Hunting Cabins and Lumber Camps in Northern Pennsylvania, 1840-1910
EAN 9780271048819 42.20 USD -
The Long Lost Friend: A Collection of Mysterious and Invaluable Arts and Remedies, for Man as Well as Animals: Of Their Virtue and Efficacy in Healing ... in Print for the First Time in the U.S. in
EAN 9780271025018 28.90 USD -
Pennsylvania Mountain Stories
EAN 9780271027524 48.70 USD -
Gettysburg: A History of the Gettysburg Battle-field Memorial Association with an Account of the Battle Giving Movements, Positions, and Losses of the Commands Engaged.
EAN 9780271034584 59.45 USD -
Rafting Days in Pennsylvania
EAN 9780271027562 42.03 USD -
The Mountain
EAN 9780271036434 56.75 USD