Brand - Metalmark
Old Roads Out of Philadelphia (Metalmark Books)
EAN 9780271052380 47.14 USD -
An Account of the Manners of the German Inhabitants of Pennsylvania, Written 1789
EAN 9780271048840 34.65 USD -
Forty Years Among the Old Booksellers of Philadelphia: With Biographical Remarks
EAN 9780271027531 42.47 USD -
Centre County: From Its Earliest Settlement to the Year 1915
EAN 9780271034607 20.07 USD -
Allegheny Episodes: Folk Lore and Legends Collected in Northern and Western Pennsylvania
EAN 9780271030005 38.41 USD -
Penn"s Grandest Cavern: The History, Legends and Description of Penn"s Cave in Centre County
EAN 9780271022666 26.00 USD -
Eldorado Found: The Central Pennsylvania Highlands; A Tourist"s Survey (Metalmark Books)
EAN 9780271060385 50.75 USD -
A Guide Book of Art, Architecture, and Historic Interests in Pennsylvania
EAN 9780271034614 63.45 USD -
Old Schuylkill Tales: A History of Interesting Events, Traditions and Anecdotes of the Early Settlers of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania
EAN 9780271048826 60.60 USD -
Journal of Samuel Maclay: While Surveying the West Branch of the Susquehanna, the Sinnemahoning and the Allegheny Rivers, in 1790
EAN 9780271056470 26.52 USD -
Tulip Ware of the Pennsylvania-German Potters: An Historical Sketch of the Art of Slip-Decoration in the United States
EAN 9780271052403 35.13 USD -
Rauch"s Pennsylvania Dutch Hand-Book: A Book for Instruction: Rauch"s Pennsylvania Deitsh Hond-Booch: En Booch for Inshtructa
EAN 9780271048833 41.17 USD -
The Allegheny Pilot: Containing a Complete Chart of the Allegheny River, from Warren to Pittsburgh
EAN 9780271062112 33.42 USD -
The Moravian Graveyards at Nazareth, Pa., 1744-1904 (Metalmark Books)
EAN 9780271060361 32.58 USD