Brand - Metalmark
The Folklore of the Pennsylvania Germans: A Paper Read Before the Pennsylvania-German Society at the Annual Meeting, York, Pennsylvania, October 14th, 1910
EAN 9780271034591 32.48 USD -
Pennsylvania Railroad: Its Origins, Construction, Condition, and Connections
EAN 9780271065410 42.10 USD -
Pioneer Life, or Thirty Years a Hunter: Being Scenes and Adventures in the Life of Philip Tome
EAN 9780271065427 36.90 USD -
The Indian Steps: And Other Pennsylvania Mountain Stories
EAN 9780271063669 57.65 USD -
Tales of the Bald Eagle Mountains in Central Pennsylvania
EAN 9780271065397 54.31 USD -
Some Pennsylvania Women During the War of the Revolution
EAN 9780271065403 36.20 USD -
Chronicon Ephratense: A History of the Community of Seventh Day Baptists at Ephrata, Lancaster County, Penn"a
EAN 9780271056456 44.32 USD -
In the Seven Mountains: Legends Collected in Central Pennsylvania
EAN 9780271062136 48.93 USD -
Guide to the Old Moravian Cemetery of Bethlehem, Pa., 1742-1910 (Metalmark Books)
EAN 9780271060354 51.82 USD -
The Moravian Graveyards of Lititz, Pa., 1744-1905 (Metalmark Books)
EAN 9780271060378 35.33 USD -
The Bible in Iron: or The Pictured Stoves and Stove Plates of The Pennsylvania Germans
EAN 9780271064536 43.53 USD -
The Wayside Inns on the Lancaster Roadside Between Philadelphia and Lancaster
EAN 9780271052410 35.07 USD -
The Pennsylvania-German in the Revolutionary War, 1775-1783 (Metalmark Books)
EAN 9780271053868 63.58 USD -
Extracts from Letters Written by Alfred B. McCalmont, 1862-1865: From the Front During the War of the Rebellion (Metalmark Books)
EAN 9780271053851 34.70 USD