Brand - ASM International
Corrosion in the Petrochemical Industry
EAN 9780871705051 194.03 USD -
Effects of Hydrogen on Materials: Proceedings of the 2008 International Hydrogen Conference, September 7-10, 2008, Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA
EAN 9781615030033 145.24 USD -
Trends in Welding Research
EAN 9781615030026 165.07 USD -
Electroless Nickel Plating
EAN 9780904477122 -
Dislocations and Interfaces in Semiconductors
EAN 9780873390460 112.88 USD -
Structural Welding Code: Steel
EAN 9780871716590 407.35 USD -
Guide to Engineering Materials Producers
EAN 9780871704863 94.01 USD -
Herzen öffnen - Die schönsten deutschen Weihnachtslieder
EAN 4037087882492 48.24 USD -
Alloy Digest Sourcebook: Stainless Steels (Alloy Digest)
EAN 9780871706492 204.64 USD -
Woldman"s Engineering Alloys
EAN 9780871706911 205.86 USD -
Metals Engineering: A Technical Guide
EAN 9780871703156 136.25 USD -
1995 Carburizing and Nitriding With Atmospheres: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Carburizing and Nitriding With Atmospheres 6-8 December 1995 Cleveland, Ohio
EAN 9780871705617 105.45 USD -
Carburizing: Microstructures and Properties
EAN 9780871706669 144.71 USD -
Metallographic Techniques and the Characterization of Composites, Stainless Steels, and Other Engineering Materials: Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh ... Society (Microstructural Science)
EAN 9780871705372 107.91 USD