Brand - ASM International
ASM Handbook: Volume 3: Alloy Phase Diagrams (Asm Handbook) (Asm Handbook)
EAN 9780871703811 223.25 USD -
Microstructural Science for Thin Film Metallization in Electronics
EAN 9780873390774 87.31 USD -
Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys (Asm Specialty Handbook) (06610G)
EAN 9780871704962 240.29 USD -
ISTFA 2012: Proceedings from the 38th International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis
EAN 9781615039791 179.32 USD -
Solutions to Hydrogen Attack in Steels
EAN 9780871705976 -
Solid Particle Erosion and Erosion-Corrosion of Materials
EAN 9780871705198 162.90 USD -
Metallographic Polishing by Mechanical Methods
EAN 9780871707796 165.58 USD -
Tribology of Composite Materials: Proceedings of a Conference Oak Ridge, Tennessee 1-3 May 1990
EAN 9780871703941 90.00 USD -
Advances in Aluminum Casting Technology 11: Proceedings of the Secc
EAN 9780871707727 128.94 USD -
Worldwide Guide to Equivalent Irons and Steels (Asm Materials Data Series)
EAN 9780871708229 316.98 USD -
Worldwide Guide to Equivalent Nonferrous Metals and Alloys
EAN 9780871703064 166.69 USD -
Phase Diagrams of Ternary Iron Alloys, Part 5
EAN 9788185307046 215.39 USD