Guide to Engineering Materials Producers
Price 23.75 - 164.27 USD
The only listing of producers of metallic and non-metallic engineered materials other than the Thomas Register ...but far superior! Very easy to use-two sections (by manufacturer and by material group/product form) for fast reference. Far easier to use than the Thomas Register, this new reference book is the only other book that provides information about manufacturers of metallic and non-metallic engineered materials. Consisting of one volume of engineered materials rather than 26 Thomas Registers containing everything imaginable, GEMP is also organized by manufacturer and material group vs. TRAs by organization by geography and product category. Section One is an alphabetic listing of manufacturers giving the companyAs name, material(s) produced and product forms, as well as complete address, phone and fax information for up to 20 offices. Phone numbers for more than 900 materials producers are included, for immediate access to the organizations you need. In Section Two, organized by material group and product form, you can look up Alloy Steel Structure Plate and find the listing of the company that makes it. Or look up Tool Steels, Carbon Steel Forgings, Cobalt Powder, Brass, Epoxy, Polyamide, Polyvinyl Chloride, Fibres, Electrical Ceramics and more. Approximately 75 categories of engineered materials are listed.