Brand - Archaeopress
Late Holocene Indigenous Economies of the Tropical Australian Coast: An Archaeological Study of the Darwin Region (Bar S)
EAN 9781407309231 88.00 USD -
Itinerari del sacro nelle forme del bere (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407304571 121.23 USD -
Reconstruction and Measurement of Landscape Change (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) British)
EAN 9780860547631 105.00 USD -
Eastern Desert Ware: Traces fo the Inhabitants of the Eastern Deserts in Egypt and Sudan during the 4th to 6th Centures CE (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407303109 125.00 USD -
Thapsos-Class Ware Reconsidered: The Case of Achaea in the Northern Peloponnese. Pottery Workshop or Pottery Style? (BAR International)
EAN 9781407308531 89.76 USD -
The Romanesque Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela: A Reassessment (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407305110 76.00 USD -
Navio: The Fort and Vicus at Brough-on-Noe, Derbyshire (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) British)
EAN 9780860547594 80.00 USD -
The Archaeology and History of the Flower of Ugie, Wrecked 1852 in the Eastern Solent (Bar)
EAN 9781407308890 65.25 USD -
La Ceramica con Decoracion Acanalada y Brunida en el Contexto Pre-Campaniforme del Calcolitico de la Extremadura Portuguesa. Nuevos aportes a la ... de Portugal (British Archaeological Reports)
EAN 9781407309347 123.50 USD -
L"Homme et le Precieux: Matieres minerales precieuses (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407302485 147.50 USD -
Art as Metaphor: The Prehistoric Rock-art of Britain
EAN 9781905739165 33.40 USD -
Comunidades Neoliticas del Noreste de la Peninsula Iberica (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781841715124 101.25 USD -
Paleoanthropologie et Pratiques Funeraires en Corse, du Mesolithique a l"age du Fer (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International)
EAN 9781841712222 71.25 USD -
Materializing Memory: Archaeological Material Culture and the Semantics of the Past (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
EAN 9781407305097 76.00 USD