Paleoanthropologie et Pratiques Funeraires en Corse, du Mesolithique a l"age du Fer (British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International)
Price 71.25 USD
A study of palaeoanthropology and funerary practices on the island of Corsica focusing on data dating from the Mesolithic to the Iron Age. After a detailed discussion of the environmental and archaeological context and of the first human occupation of the island, Helene David presents the methodology for her work and previous research carried out on the island and its history. The sites and their funerary remains are then discussed in turn and in chronological order, followed by a comparison of burial types, treatment of the body, weight, age and sex profiles, funerary architecture and palaeoanthropological findings, between sites and through time. The results are then briefly compared to those found in the neighbouring island of Sardinia. French text.