Brand - Edinburgh University Press
Corpus Linguistics08/99 (Edinburgh Textbooks in Empirical Linguistics)
EAN 9780748608089 -
A Glossary of Cognitive Linguistics (Glossaries in Linguistics)
EAN 9780748622795 103.85 USD -
Turner and George IV in Edinburgh, 1822
EAN 9780852244326 -
An Introduction to Scots (Edinburgh Textbooks on the English Language)
EAN 9780748615162 69.44 USD -
Pragmatics: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Louise Cummings
EAN 9780748616824 47.97 USD -
Reading Horace
EAN 9780852243336 -
Alcohol and Illness: The Epidemiological Viewpoint (Health and Society)
EAN 9780748603534 72.19 USD -
Guardians of Shi"ism: Sacred Authority and Transnational Family Networks
EAN 9780748691449 111.25 USD -
The Written Word in the Medieval Arabic Lands: A Social and Cultural History of Reading Practices
EAN 9780748677344 36.58 USD -
Vessels for the Ancestors
EAN 9780748603411 -
Tin in the World Economy (Commodities in the International Community)
EAN 9780748605163 -
Presbyteries and Profit (Edinburgh Education and Society)
EAN 9780748603336 -
The Democratic Intellect: Scotland and her Universities in the Nineteenth Century: An Edinburgh Classic (Edinburgh Classic Editions)
EAN 9780748684786 33.44 USD -
Philosophy and Love: From Plato to Popular Culture
EAN 9780748623679 117.52 USD