Brand - Edinburgh University Press
In Search of New Constitutions (Hume Papers on Public Policy)
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Elizabeth Cary: The Tragedy of Mariam The fair queen of Jewry
EAN 9781853311048 -
J.-K. Huysmans and the Fin-De-Siecle Novel (University of Durham Series, Vol 3)
EAN 9780748601714 -
Deleuze and Contemporary Art (Deleuze Connections (Paperback)) (Paperback) - Common
EAN 884114491547 -
Africa Bibliography 1992: Works Published on Africa in 1992
EAN 9780748604838 103.06 USD -
An Introduction to Late Modern English (Edinburgh Textbooks on the English Language)
EAN 9780748613861 -
Multicultural Politics: Racism, Ethnicity and Muslims in Britain
EAN 9780748621712 -
Hume and Hume"s Connexions (Edinburgh Studies in Intellectual History)
EAN 9780748605231 -
Relations Between East and West in the Middle Ages
EAN 9780852242377 -
Tales of the Wars of Montrose (Collected Works of James Hogg)
EAN 9780748606351 95.91 USD -
Barbarossa 09/98 (Perspectives in Intelligence History Series)
EAN 9780748605040 -
The Acts of Robert I (1306-1329) (Regesta Regum Scottorum, Vol 5)
EAN 9780852245439 427.50 USD -
Hélène Cixous"s Semi-Fictions: Cixous"s Semi-Fictions: Thinking at the Borders of Fiction (The Frontiers of Theory)
EAN 9780748642281 102.60 USD -
Post-Theory: New Directions in Criticism (Postmodern Theory Series)
EAN 9780748610655 72.49 USD