Brand - Edinburgh University Press
Sparta (Edinburgh Readings on the Ancient World)
EAN 9780748612949 103.80 USD -
Film Genre: Hollywood and Beyond
EAN 9780748619030 32.60 USD -
The Cultural Barrier: Problems in Exchange of Ideas
EAN 9780852242490 -
Celts, Saxons and the Early Antiquaries (O"Donnell Lecture)
EAN 9780852240090 -
Corpus Based Syntax: A Descriptive Model for Language Use
EAN 9780748609413 -
A Glossary of Political Theory (Politics Glossaries)
EAN 9780748628032 58.69 USD -
Research Methods for English Studies (Research Methods for the Arts and the Humanities)
EAN 9780748621552 34.11 USD -
Political Parties in Britain (Politics Study Guides)
EAN 9780748631124 132.66 USD -
Flora of Turkey, Volume 7: Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol. 7
EAN 9780852243961 470.44 USD -
The History of Bbc Broadcasting in Scotland, 1923-1983
EAN 9780748603763 -
Sport and Identity in the North of England
EAN 9781853310829 138.36 USD -
Paul Virilio: Theorist for an Accelerated Culture
EAN 9780748619276 87.79 USD -
Fielding"s Burlesque Drama: Its Place in the Tradition (University of Durham Series, Vol 2)
EAN 9780852245422 -
The Edinburgh Dictionary of Continental Philosophy
EAN 9780748617159 144.43 USD