Cd-Roms in Print 1994: An International Guide to Cd-Rom, Multimedia, & Electronic Book Products
An international listing of CD-ROM products, providers and distributers. Containing 6000 CD-ROM products arranged alphabetically by title, each main entry includes hardware requirements, search software, networking information, update frequency, price and CD-ROM player necessary. The CD-ROM title directory is arranged in alphabetical order by disc title. There is a company directory which includes full addresses of the organizations cited as well as a list of the CD-ROMS produced by each. It also includes the following "index sectons within an index": Geographic (by state and country), Names and Numbers (an alphabetical listing of every individual listed in the company directory) and Activity (each of the 3500 companies classified by activity (publisher, distributor, data provider, software producer, production service, consultant, conference organizer etc). There is also a Macintosh index which is a listing distinguishing Macintosh-oriented titles, a multimedia index listing multimedia CDs on both DOS and Macintosh platforms, an electronic book index which provides a guide to all CD-based and disk-based electronic books and a subject index which list all CD-ROMs categorized by 190 subject areas.