Brand - Amer Geophysical Union
Comet Encounters
EAN 9780875902395 33.25 USD -
Antarctic and Subantarctic Pycnogonida: Nymphonidae, Colossendeidae, Rhynchothoraxidae, Pycnogonidae, Endeididae, and Callipallenidae (Antarctic Research Series)
EAN 9780875908854 -
The Adirondack Mountains--A Section of Deep Proterozoic Crust: Montreal, Canada to Albany, New York June 30 - July 8, 1989 (Field Trip Guidebooks)
EAN 9780875905921 -
A Different View of Stone Monuments, Memorials and Buildings of Washington, D.C.: Washington, D.C., July 13, 1989 (Field Trip Guidebooks)
EAN 9780875906119 -
Studies in Antarctic Meteorology (Antarctic Res Ser)
EAN 9780875901091 -
Highlights of the Geology and Engineering of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal: Washington, D.C. to Frostburg, Maryland July 15, 1989 (Field Trip Guidebooks)
EAN 9780875905716 -
Shelf Carbonates of the Paradox Basin San Juan River Field Trip: Bluff to Lake Powell, Utah, July 3 - 9, 1989 (Field Trip Guidebooks)
EAN 9780875905655 -
Mountain Rivers (Water Resources Monograph)
EAN 9780875903187 -
Proterozoic Lithospheric Evolution (Geodynamics Series)
EAN 9780875905174 35.00 USD -
River Meandering (Water Resources Monograph)
EAN 9780875903163 -
Quaternary Geology of the Great Basin: Inglewood, California to Salt Lake City, Utah June 27 - July 8, 1989 (Field Trip Guidebooks)
EAN 9780875906515 -
Geology of San Francisco and Vicinity
EAN 9789990602210 22.09 USD -
Structures of the Appalachian Foreland Fold Thrust Belt: New York City, to Knoxville, Tennessee, June 27 - July 8, 1989 (Field Trip Guidebooks)
EAN 9780875905860 -
Plate Reconstruction from Paleozoic Paleomagnetism: Interim Report of Working Group 2 on Phanerozoic Plate Motions and Orogenesis (Geodynamics series)
EAN 9780875905129 20.00 USD