Brand - Amer Geophysical Union
Earth"s Crust and Upper Mantle
EAN 9780875900131 -
Metamorphism and Tectonics of Eastern and Central North America (Igc Field Trip Series)
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EAN 9780875906089 -
Sedimentation and Basin Analysis in Siliciclastic Rock Sequences
EAN 9780875906935 33.92 USD -
EAN 9780875908847 -
United States National Report to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1971-1974/Iugg-71-74
EAN 9789992185926 10.14 USD -
EAN 9780875902517 -
EAN 9780875905051 -
Kimberlites, Diatremes and Diamonds: Their Geology, Petrology and Geochemistry (Proceedings of the Second International Kimberlite Conference ; V. 1)
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EAN 9780875902579 -
EAN 9781118658703 -
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EAN 9780875906508