The Adirondack Mountains--A Section of Deep Proterozoic Crust: Montreal, Canada to Albany, New York June 30 - July 8, 1989 (Field Trip Guidebooks)
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Field Trip Guidebooks Series, Volume 164. The Adirondack Mountains of northern New York State are underlain by Middle Proterozoic (Neohelikian) rocks of the Grenville Province, exposed in a breached Cenozoic dome. This trip consists of a traverse from upper amphibolite-facies metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks in the northwest lowlands, southeastward across a major zone of high ductile strain, into granulite-facies plutonic rocks of the Adirondack highlands, which record depths of 25–30 km in a ooubly-thickened continental crust retween 1.1 and 1.0 Ga. This guidebock is divided into two major sections. The first is an overview of Adirondack geology, with sections on regional setting, stratigraphy, igneous rocks, metamorphism, structure, geochronolgy, stable isotopes, economic geology, and neotectonics, and a specutlative outline of the geologic history of the region. The second section is a road log, with extended descriptions for those stops that are the subject of current or recent research. There are 38 numbered stops on the planned route, in addition to 8 lettered alternate stops that will be visited in time permits.