Producer - Scholars' Press
MNCs" Executive Selection Strategies: Success in International Business
EAN 9783639709926 138.13 USD -
Organizational ADD: Refocusing Your Business for Growth
EAN 9783639709834 109.21 USD -
Context and Decision-making in Employee Assistance Programs
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Managing Conflict and Collaboration in New Product Development: Understanding the Strategy, Selecting the Partner and Designing the Governance Structure
EAN 9783639702064 87.74 USD -
Knowledge Transfer and the Use of Social Networks: An Investigation into the Micro-Foundations of External Absorptive Capacity in the Biopharmaceutical Industry
EAN 9783639701302 140.13 USD -
Diversity Training: Expand on Strengths or Focus on Deficits: Exploring the Diversity/Inclusion ethos: should we focus on past failure or expand on previous success?
EAN 9783639663747 87.50 USD -
Changing Pattern of Insurance in India: Challenges and Opportunities
EAN 9783639663587 120.52 USD -
Contemporary Social Responsibility Practices: Perspectives in Kenya
EAN 9783639662757 81.65 USD -
Stock Return Behaviour and Seasonal Anomalies in the Indian Market
EAN 9783639661958 110.40 USD -
Traceability Information Systems: Signaling and Screening Food Supply Chains
EAN 9783639662474 104.05 USD -
Organization Design and Performance: A Study of Selected Indian Organizations in The Liberalized Economy
EAN 9783639661354 127.13 USD -
Lean Production Optimization: Through the Deployment of RFID Technology
EAN 9783639661217 93.85 USD -
Small and Medium Enterprises: Issues and Challenges
EAN 9783639512502 66.89 USD -
Buying behavior of two wheeler motorcycles in Andhra Pradesh, India
EAN 9783639717747 121.07 USD