Producer - Scholars' Press
Cultural Factors and Knowledge Sharing in SMEs
EAN 9783639718416 111.40 USD -
Alumni-In-Training: Institutional Factors Associated With Greater Alumni Giving at Public Colleges and Universities
EAN 9783639516760 110.40 USD -
Achievement Motivations of Police Officers
EAN 9783639515022 63.18 USD -
The Planning Process Applied to Hospital Companies: How is the Italian health care system changing face ?
EAN 9783639514421 53.45 USD -
Brand Loyalty and its antecedents: A study on Indian Cellular Services Industry
EAN 9783639513813 109.40 USD -
Risk Structure Depending on the Corporate- and Market Life Cycle
EAN 9783639707823 125.02 USD -
Organizational Ambidexterity in United States Hospitals
EAN 9783639718317 105.55 USD -
DPS EPS Analysis: An Empirical Study of Indian Companies
EAN 9783639713886 82.65 USD -
Futures : Prospects: A Concise Guide for Small Retail Investors
EAN 9783639715385 131.57 USD -
Diversity and Retention in the Nonprofit Organization: Recognizing the Impact of A Diverse Staff On Customer Retention Case Study:Arab American & Chaldean Council (ACC)
EAN 9783639710946 111.90 USD -
Consumer Awareness In Rural India: UGC National Seminar
EAN 9783639709865 161.32 USD -
The Role of Trust in Organizational Context: Development and Empirical Test of an Interpersonal Trust Model Using Samples from the US and Turkey
EAN 9783639713367 92.35 USD -
Chinese Entrepreneurial Familism:Second-Generation Entrepreneurs
EAN 9783639664010 98.65 USD -
Emerging coping strategies in accessing livelihood: A case study of micro entrepreneurs in chronic disaster situation in Goma/DRCongo
EAN 9783639701296 160.82 USD