Producer - Scholars' Press
So, software quality programs still fail!?: The myth and the truth
EAN 9783639510225 80.51 USD -
Entrepreneurship Development
EAN 9783639669473 105.90 USD -
Supply chain management practices on competitive position
EAN 9783639667820 82.32 USD -
A Framework to Determine the Sustainability of SMMEs in Lesedi: An insightful scientific analysis and framework of what makes small and micro business in South Africa successful
EAN 9783639667172 79.65 USD -
Business Agility and Information Technology in Service Organizations
EAN 9783639666755 91.75 USD -
Determinants Of Debt Maturity In Indian Corporate Sector
EAN 9783639519129 132.07 USD -
The Evolving Engagement Strategy: What Business and HR leaders should realize
EAN 9783639514582 93.56 USD -
Development and Implementation Issues for Managing Sales Performance
EAN 9783639517446 131.07 USD -
Problems And Prospects Of Indian Tobacco Exports
EAN 9783639703245 125.02 USD -
Strategies of 20 African American Women in the $100K Savings Club: African American Women Wealth Builders: An Exploratory Qualitative Study of the Motivation and Success Strategies
EAN 9783639668827 90.35 USD -
Career Dynamics: A Nigerian Perspective
EAN 9783639519716 111.40 USD -
Mergers and Acquisitions as Strategy: Theory and Cases
EAN 9783639511321 107.75 USD -
Women Empowerment Through Entrepreneurship
EAN 9783639667677 126.57 USD -
C R M - A Study With Reference To Lic (Nellore Division): Customer Relationship Management - A Study With Reference To Lic (Nellore Division)
EAN 9783639669510 125.57 USD