Producer - Scholars' Press
Management of Animation in Resort Hotels: Evidence from Greece
EAN 9783639667080 43.74 USD -
Immigrant Entrepreneurship:Discovery and Exploitation of Opportunities
EAN 9783639666472 121.52 USD -
Mechanisms for aligning decisions and incentives in a supply chain
EAN 9783639716276 131.07 USD -
Performance of Insurance Business: Financial performance of Pre IRDA and Post IRDA Period
EAN 9783639669565 105.90 USD -
Analytical Study of Profitability of Trading Houses in India
EAN 9783639664249 91.85 USD -
Enhancing Corporate Governance and Implications for Board Performance: Behavioral and stakeholder factors transcend to effective corporate functioning in Nigerian emerging market
EAN 9783639717778 159.82 USD -
A Profile Characteristics of Small and Micro Enterprises in Voi, Kenya: Taita Taveta County
EAN 9783639708271 89.64 USD -
Understanding the Oil price-Stock market return nexus: Does the conventional wisdom persist? The case of five developed countries
EAN 9783639719222 111.40 USD -
Model options for old-age mandatory annuities
EAN 9783639714951 135.14 USD -
Asymmetric Aldol Reactions: Synthesis of Paraconic Acids & Lignans
EAN 9783639713312 123.52 USD -
Three Essays on the Inflation Targeting Regime
EAN 9783639712902 83.15 USD -
Modeling Dependence in the Design of Crop Insurance Contracts: Crop Insurance and Modeling Dependence
EAN 9783639708196 94.35 USD -
The Effects and Feasibility of Tiered Instruction: An examination of conversational turn taking among preschoolers with and without disabilities
EAN 9783639519075 124.52 USD -
Trade Policy and Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Ethiopia
EAN 9783639706994 140.63 USD