Hope for the Separated (Chinese Edition)
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The unfortunate reality is that Christians are separating and divorcing at the same rate as the unbelieving world. But does separation have to mean the end? You may not feel like reconciling. You may not see hope for a reunion. But the biblical ideal for a separated couple is reconciliation. So how do you do it? When doors slam and angry words fly, when things just aren"t working out, and even when your spouse has abandoned your trust, there is hope. Hope for the Separated will show you through God"s Word that your marriage can be restored. Recognizing that restoration will not happen for everyone, Dr. Chapman also gives insightful advice for those who experience the pain of divorce. 你是否仍在回忆往日的甜蜜,却对婚姻的冰冷无可奈何? 你是否还记得当初的花前月下,如今却一双泪眼,独守空房? 当婚姻岌岌可危的时候,当对方的心门向你紧闭的时候,你该怎么办?是听之任之、随波逐流,还是快刀斩乱麻,一刀两断?其实,你还有另外一条路,那就是重归于好。 美国婚恋辅导专家查普曼博士在本书中给我们提供了行之有效的方法,让我们挽救岌岌可危的婚姻关系,努力寻求和好。在此过程中,夫妻不仅能够彼此重新认识,而且各自的生命都会经历成长,使得爱情之火重燃,再次体味到婚姻的美好。