The Four Seasons of Marriage (Chinese Edition)
Price 13.99 - 24.50 USD
Dr. Gary Chapman provides an easy-to-grasp framework to help couples understand their marriage and seven practical strategies for strengthening or improving their marriage relationship. A valuable resource for couples regardless of how long they"ve been married, this biblically based book is a reference tool to help couples through every season of marriage. Which Season of Marriage Are You In? Summer - A deep sense of satisfaction and security characterizes marriages in summer. Make the most of this season and help identify the hidden conflicts that can surface and threaten your contentment and stability. Spring - Spring represents a time of hopefulness and new beginnings. Discover new ways of listening and loving and awareness of the unexpected irritations that can disrupt this positive season. Winter - Winter relationships are distant and difficult. Marriage is much harder during the season of cold silences and bitter winds, but once you and your spouse develop a vocabulary for melting the ice, you"ll soon be on your way to warmer, happier times. Fall - Fall carries with it the unwanted change, uncertainty, and unsettledness that all couples face during the life of their marriage. Learn how to navigate this turbulent season, plant the seeds of hope and avoid the threatening winds of winter. 婚姻中也有四季?没错。畅销书作家盖瑞•查普曼结合自己多年婚姻辅导经验,洞察婚姻的特点,用自然界中的四季比作婚姻关系的四种状况:春季暖意融融,夏季阳光灿烂,秋季落叶纷纷,冬季肃杀凄凉。人的一生中,婚姻关系处于四季的不同阶段。作者详细描绘了每一个婚姻季节中人们的情感、态度和行动。清楚认识婚姻四季的特点以及自己婚姻所处的季节,能够帮你提高和改善自己的婚姻关系。 春季:爱意融融,情话绵绵,婚姻生活让人感到激动万分。 夏季:浓情蜜意,夫妻双方都感受到极大的满足,二人亲密无间。 秋季:情感上沟通不畅,有疏远的感觉,一方总想责备另一方。 冬季:不愿意沟通,谈话常常演变成争吵,就像两个人住在不同的冰屋中。 作者甚至告诉读者,即使你们对婚姻已经灰心失望,无心挽救,也请你们鼓起勇气来阅读这本书,它为你准备了七个解决策略,能使你脱离婚姻的冬季。