Revival and Revivalism (Chinese Edition)

Marrying careful historical research to popular and relevant presentation, Revival and Revivalism traces the spiritually epoch-making events of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries through the eyes of those who lived at their centre. Fundamental to the book"s thesis is a rejection of the frequent identification of "revival" with "revivalism". The author demonstrates that a common understanding of the New Testament idea of revival was prevalent in most denominations throughout the period 1750-1858. Revivalism, on the other hand, is different both in its origin and in its tendencies. Its ethos is mancentred and its methods too close to the manipulative to require a supernatural explanation. Iain Murray argues that an inability to recognize this distinction has led many to ignore the new and different teaching on evangelism and revival which began to be popularized in the 1820s. While the case against that teaching was argued almost universally by the leaders of the Second Great Awakening their testimony was submerged beneath propaganda which promised a "new era" if only the churches would abandon the older ways. Today, when that propaganda is largely discredited, there is a great need to rediscover the earlier understanding of revival possessed by those who most intimately experienced it. Revival and Revivalism will do much to aid this rediscovery. Powerfully presented, it contains a message of major importance for contemporary Christians. "决志信主"等同于悔改归信吗? 复兴是情绪化的吗? 复兴是人为操作的吗? 复兴是可以复制的吗? 真正的复兴必定会带来生命的改变和美德的增加。因此,真正的复兴来自圣灵大能的降下,使人真正认罪、悔改,使周围的世界出现"整体性的变革"。 伊恩•默里分析了1750年到1858年在美国大部分宗派中出现的复兴运动,用大量历史事实推论得出复兴与奋兴之间的差别。帮助读者去伪存真,认识真正的复兴。