2007 Kansas City, Mo Vicinity (City Wall Maps)

Price 159.50 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780762538577

The 2007, 1st edition Wall Map of Kansas City, KS/MO and vicinity and portions of 15 surrounding counties by Universal Map measures 64 x 54. Provides up-to-date cartography at a scale of 1 =1.6 miles, printed in color with a markable and washable laminated surface, and has hanging rails mounted top and bottom. Cities are indexed on the face of the map. Area of coverage includes urban and suburban Kansas City, KS/MO, with all of the following counties: Atchison, Buchanan, Clay, Clinton, Douglas, Jackson, Johnson, Jefferson, Leavenworth, and Platte, with portions of Brown, Shawnee, Doniphan, Caldwell, and Cass with the following boundaries: North: 50 miles to include St. Joseph; South: 25 miles to include Wellsville, Baldwin City, Peculiar, and Kingsville; East: 35 miles east to Richmond, Wellington, & Odessa; West: 60 miles to include Topeka. Details include major streets and all highways, county lines, mileage circles, longitude and latitude, airports and parks, and water features. Railed wall maps can be turned into pull down maps on spring rollers for an additional $30.