The Uncertainty of Measurements: Physical and Chemical Metrology and Analysis

Price 65.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780873895354

With the uncertainly of measurement results drawing the attention of managers, metrologists, and customers, this comprehensive guide works to show the importance of metrology while explaining the science of the uncertainty of measurements. Kimothi shows how the accuracy of measurements affects all of us in trade, commerce, safety, health care, environmental protection, and more. External and internal customers, along with regulatory agencies, often prescribe measurement accuracy requirements. This book helps to sort out the current issues surrounding measurement reliability. Kimothi"s explanations make it easier for organizations to understand the concerns of measurement uncertainty in decision-making. Newcomers to metrology will find Kimothi"s explanations easy to follow because this book starts off with a comprehensive introduction to the basic principles of reliable measurements. As the text progresses, these basic principles provide a foundation for more and more advanced aspects of measurement uncertainty. The book describes: the need for measurement certainty, techniques to achieve results, and standards in measurement. This comprehensive range of information makes this an ideal desk reference for metrology students and statistical quality enthusiasts. Kimothi includes information about current events regarding reliable measurements and how the uncertainty of measurements affects trade, Six Sigma, and more. Topics covered include: · Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) approach · A complete chapter on calibration and measurement traceability · Statistical techniques in metrology · Examples of measurement data and random variables · Probability density functions · Sampling distribution · Statistical estimation degrees of freedom and regression · How to evaluate various uncertainties in measurements using several approaches including international consensus · One chapter is devoted to measurement errors · Information specific to calibration laboratories · Examples of R&R studies