The Zodiac Pack: A Visual Approach to Astrology

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781899171859

Designed for beginners and those who are more experienced, this pack, containing a book, 45 cards and a layout cloth, is designed to encourage a visual, intuitive approach to astrology. The pictures on the cards, made out of collages with images inter-acting with each other, aim to bring to heart and mind a sense of what the planets hold in store for the reader. No prior knowledge of astrology is required. A computer generated chart is offered to every purchaser who needs it. The cards can be used individually as a basis for meditation, or laid out collectively to form a visual image of the astrological chart. Astrologers can utilize this form of astrological communication to initiate intuitive insights for their clients. The accompanying book, "Astological Images", is a guide to using the cards and to deepen the reader"s knowledge of astrology. It has detailed chapters on the signs, planets, houses, angles and elements.