Icon Men: Rusty Jeffers: Arms, Chest & Shoulders
Price 14.98 - 24.95 USD
Rusty Jeffers" shares his own personal and private workout routine! Massive and powerful award-winning professional body builder Rusty Jeffers (aka Carl Hardwick) is 2004"s Masters Nationals Overall Winner and IFBB Pro Card Winner This masculine and gigantic body builder teaches you, step by step, while he pushes, lifts and curls through each exercise-- the very chest, biceps and triceps routine he personally uses to create his enormous and vein popping physique! He is a true man"s man and demonstrates with his ripped, pumped and gigantic body, exactly how each muscle group responds to his explosive workout routine. Rusty has a Massive, Pumped Chest, Biceps and Triceps... and Now You Can Too! Bonus footage includes: Rusty poolside as he practices his jaw dropping professional posing routine. Flexing each of his monstrously pumped muscles. The DVD is 30 minutes long, and every muscle flex and bead of sweat is gorgeously captured on digital.