Author - Charles Francis Adams
Report of the Board of Metropolitan Park Commissioners, Volume 24
EAN 9785874379728 11.51 USD -
Libraries and Schools
EAN 9781141505234 13.90 USD -
The Public Library and the Common Schools
EAN 9785874380229 9.69 USD -
Charles Francis Adams, 1835-1915; an autobiography;
EAN 9785883497567 10.02 USD -
Studies, military and diplomatic, 1775-1865
EAN 9785883244406 11.73 USD -
Lee at Appomattox: And Other Papers
EAN 9785880415793 9.75 USD -
The struggle for neutrality in America : an address delivered before the New York Historical Society, at their sixty-sixth anniversary, December 13, 1870
EAN 9785873473281 6.40 USD -
Speech of Charles Francis Adams, of Massachusetts, December 22, 1902, at the banquet of the New England society, of Charleston, South Carolina
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Richard Henry Dana : a biography. 1
EAN 9785872579403 9.01 USD -
Before and After the Treaty of Washington: The American Civil War and the War in the Transvaal .
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Report of the Board of Metropolitan Park Commissioners, Volume 23
EAN 9785874379773 11.71 USD -
EAN 9785873798292 8.77 USD -
Massachusetts; its historians and its history. An object lesson
EAN 9785884301108 8.84 USD -
Report of the Board of metropolitan park commissioners. 19
EAN 9785884442757 7.81 USD