Author - Charles Francis Adams
An address on the life, character and services of William Henry Seward. 1
EAN 9785873390809 7.03 USD -
Address of Charles Francis Adams, Jr: And Proceedings at the Dedication of the Crane Memorial Hall,
EAN 9785874285432 9.72 USD -
Three Phi Beta Kappa addresses: A college fetich, 1883; "Shall Cromwell have a statue." 1902; Some modern college tendencies, 1906
EAN 9785874378981 11.80 USD -
Three episodes of Massachusetts history. The settlement of Boston Bay. The Antinomian controversy. A study of church and town government;
EAN 9785874378745 15.39 USD -
Trans-Atlantic historical solidarity : lectures delivered before the University of Oxford in Easter and Trinity terms, 1913
EAN 9785872544326 9.64 USD -
Three episodes of Massachusetts history: the settlement of Boston bay; the Antinomian controversy; a study of church and town government. 2
EAN 9785880040766 10.55 USD -
An Address on the Life Character and Se
EAN 9785873390823 7.03 USD -
Historians and historical societies. An address at the opening of the Fenway building of the Massachusetts historical society, April 13, 1899
EAN 9785883566607 7.99 USD -
Trans-Atlantic historical solidarity; lecture delivered before the University of Oxford in Easter and Trinity terms, 1913
EAN 9785884391666 9.64 USD -
Railroads: Their Origins and Problems
EAN 9781596054639 22.11 USD -
Chapters of Erie (Transportation)
EAN 9781429019927 26.78 USD -
An account of the celebration
EAN 9785518926127 28.79 USD -
Imperialism and the Tracks of Our Forefathers
EAN 9781406504125 7.04 USD -
Tis Sixty Years Since
EAN 9781406504132 7.04 USD