Author - Charles Francis Adams
Tis Sixty Years Since Address of Charles Francis Adams, Founders" Day, January 16, 1913 (TREDITION CLASSICS)
EAN 9783842473225 17.38 USD -
Richard Henry Dana Volume 2
EAN 9785518983793 29.36 USD -
Richard Henry Dana Volume 1
EAN 9785518983779 26.66 USD -
Report of the Board of metropolitan park commissioners. 27
EAN 9785884441972 7.00 USD -
Three Phi beta kappa addresses: A college fetich, 1883; "Shall Cromwell have a statue" 1902; Some modern college tendencies, 1906
EAN 9785883017918 9.75 USD -
The life of John Adams. 5
EAN 9785882967009 12.53 USD -
Studies military and diplomatic, 1775-1865
EAN 9785883037312 11.73 USD -
Charles Francis Adams, 1835-1915: An Autobiography
EAN 9785880676170 8.17 USD -
The sifted grain and the grain sifters. An address at the dedication of the building of the State historical society of Wisconsin at Madison, October 19, 1900
EAN 9785881220266 8.65 USD -
Three episodes of Massachusetts history: the settlement of Boston ., Volume 2
EAN 9785883017994 12.69 USD -
Lee's Centennial
EAN 9785874303990 10.49 USD -
The Address of Charles Francis Adams
EAN 9785873582006 6.40 USD -
The Life of John Adams, Volume II
EAN 9785874249144 12.11 USD -
Letters of Mrs Adams
EAN 9785874335724 15.39 USD