Author - Walter Scott
The Poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, bart. Complete in one volume. With all his introductions and notes. Also various readings, and the editor's notes
EAN 9785883697134 14.71 USD -
Waverley novels. 05
EAN 9785883574510 13.82 USD -
The Waverley novels. 03
EAN 9785879649918 8.99 USD -
Tales of a grandfather, fourth series; being stories taken from the history of France. Inscribed to John Hugh Lockhart. 2
EAN 9785880465248 8.80 USD -
The Lady of the lake, a poem
EAN 9785880536566 7.75 USD -
Memoirs of JOhn Dryden. 2
EAN 9785880188420 8.00 USD -
The Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. 17
EAN 9785880305742 8.96 USD -
Tales of a Grandfather: Fourth Series; Being Stories Taken from the History of France. Inscribed to John Hugh Lockhart, Volume 2
EAN 9785876905505 11.15 USD -
The Betrothed, a Tale of the Crusaders: And The Highland Widow .
EAN 9785873263202 11.78 USD -
Kenilworth: a romance
EAN 9785883145307 10.77 USD -
The lay of the last minstrel. A poem, in six cantos
EAN 9785883256737 9.50 USD -
The Works of Walter Scott, Esq. 5
EAN 9785873487387 10.45 USD -
The Waverley Novels
EAN 9785873446902 9.68 USD -
Histoire de France Racontee Par Un Grand-pere a Son Petit-fils
EAN 9785873728701 8.91 USD