Author - Walter Scott
The Heart of Mid-Lothian Volume 1
EAN 9785874329952 13.06 USD -
The Talisman
EAN 9785873932368 11.07 USD -
International Short Stories from England
EAN 9781612034607 12.03 USD -
The Fair Maid of Perth. 1
EAN 9785884055476 11.59 USD -
Tales of my landlord, fourth and last series. 2
EAN 9785881378813 10.77 USD -
Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since. 3 vols. in 1
EAN 9785883826350 14.43 USD -
Anne of Geierstein; or, The maiden of the mist, Volume 2
EAN 9785883595409 10.79 USD -
The Modern British Drama: In Five Volumes . 4
EAN 9785883219022 14.02 USD -
Ivanhoe : a romance
EAN 9785883712479 12.53 USD -
Waverly novels, Volume 5
EAN 9785883829399 10.87 USD -
The Waverley Novels: A Tale of the Crusaders. no. 29
EAN 9785880059775 8.92 USD -
The Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. 15
EAN 9785880308170 9.73 USD -
Castle Dangerous and The Surgeon's Daughter
EAN 9785880181759 10.52 USD -
The Waverley Novels. no. 23
EAN 9785880057337 9.62 USD