Author - Walter Scott
Fragmenta Herculanensia: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oxford Copies of the Herculanean Rolls Together with the Texts of Several Papyri Accompanied by Facsimiles
EAN 9785876859495 12.13 USD -
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, bart. : complete in one volume. With all his introductions and notes ; also various readings, and the editor's notes
EAN 9785873321834 12.49 USD -
The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott: With the Author's Introductions and Notes
EAN 9785877760516 16.03 USD -
Novels and Romances of the Author of Wa
EAN 9785875369797 12.04 USD -
The abbot: being the sequel to the monastery
EAN 9785875475900 12.20 USD -
The Lady of the Lake: A Poem
EAN 9785873464616 9.71 USD -
St. Ronan's well. By the author of 'Waverley'.
EAN 9785883045638 9.90 USD -
The vision of Don Roderick; : a poem.
EAN 9785880897797 7.73 USD -
The poetical works of Sir Walter Scott, baronet; ed. with a careful revision of the text
EAN 9785877793156 14.89 USD -
A Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts Volume 10
EAN 9785518416789 24.23 USD -
Poetical works. Edited by Wm. Minto. 1
EAN 9785873782529 9.68 USD -
The miscellaneous prose works of sir Walter Scott
EAN 9785873611157 10.38 USD -
Lay of the Last Minstrel
EAN 9785873459568 8.03 USD -
Waverley novels. 43, (Chronicles of The Canongate, Second Series)
EAN 9785884207974 9.93 USD