Брэнд - Soc Biblical Literature
Early-Christian Epitaphs from Anatolia (Texts and Translations (Scholar Press))
EAN 9780788500619 -
A Commentary on the Animal Apocalypse of I Enoch
EAN 9781555407810 50.76 USD -
The Body Royal. The Social Poetics of Kingship in Ancient Israel
EAN 9781589833821 39.11 USD -
The Griesbach Hypothesis and Redaction Criticism
EAN 9781555405335 31.52 USD -
Centripetal and Centrifugal Structures in Biblical Poetry
EAN 9781555403614 21.32 USD -
Flavius Philostratus on Heroes (Writings from the Greco-Roman World)
EAN 9781589830370 23.34 USD -
Job 28 as Rhetoric. An Analysis of Job 28 in the Context of Job 22-31
EAN 9781589831971 30.56 USD -
Semeia 31. Reader Response Approaches to Biblical and Secular Texts
EAN 9781589831810 31.10 USD -
Sedulius, the Paschal Song and Hymns (Society of Biblical Literature (Numbered))
EAN 9781589837683 49.15 USD -
Iron Age Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions (Writings from the Ancient World)
EAN 9781589837294 38.07 USD -
The Bible and Social Reform (Bible in American Culture)
EAN 9781589834668 22.19 USD -
Gnosticism and Later Platonism: Themes, Figures, and Texts (Dissertation)
EAN 9780884140351 43.66 USD -
Prophecy in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context. Mesopotamian, Biblical, and Arabian Perspectives
EAN 9780884140269 31.67 USD -
The Studia Philonica Annual: Studies in Hellenistic Judaism, Volume XXIII, 2011
EAN 9781589836167 34.57 USD