Брэнд - Soc Biblical Literature
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies, 1995 (Reflection and Theory in the Study of Religion)
EAN 9780788501807 44.56 USD -
Romanian Version of the Testament of Abraham: Text, Translation, and Cultural Context (Early Judaism and Its Literature)
EAN 9781589830127 34.44 USD -
What Is John?. Volume II, Literary and Social Readings of the Fourth Gospel
EAN 9780788504914 31.74 USD -
Semeia 34: Biblical Hermeneutics in Jewish Moral Discourse
EAN 9781589832237 18.18 USD -
The Great Name: Ancient Egyptian Royal Titulary (Society of Biblical Literature: Writings from the Ancient World)
EAN 9781589837355 33.38 USD -
Torah in the Messianic Age and/or the Age to Come
EAN 9781589832251 14.22 USD -
Pauline Theology (Symposium Series (Society of Biblical Literature), No. 21-23.)
EAN 9781589830547 40.70 USD -
Philo of Alexandria"s Exposition of the Tenth Commandment
EAN 9781589836181 31.39 USD -
Seeking the Favor of God. Volume 2: The Development of Penitential Prayer in Second Temple Judaism
EAN 9781589832787 40.67 USD -
Gregory of Nyssa: Homilies on the Song of Songs (Writings from the Greco-Roman World)
EAN 9781589837874 75.82 USD -
Have the Promises Failed?. A Literary Analysis of 2 Baruch
EAN 9780891307815 17.79 USD -
The Sentences of Sextus
EAN 9781589837195 52.32 USD -
The Word in the World. The Cosmological Tale in the Fourth Gospel
EAN 9781555407995 27.87 USD -
Innovations in Hebrew Poetry. Parallelisms and the Poems of Sirach
EAN 9781589831155 26.19 USD