Брэнд - Soc Biblical Literature
The Mystery of the Kingdom of God
EAN 9780891309840 41.56 USD -
Ben Sira and Demotic Wisdom
EAN 9780891305866 16.95 USD -
The Judgment of Susanna: Authority and Witness (Masoretic Studies)
EAN 9780788501814 37.58 USD -
Reading the Old Testament in Antioch
EAN 9781589834972 31.03 USD -
Voices from Amsterdam: A Modern Tradition of Reading Biblical Narrative (Society for Biclical Literature Semeia Studies)
EAN 9781555408961 40.30 USD -
Elijah and Elisha in Socioliterary Perspective
EAN 9781555407094 31.07 USD -
Writings and Speech in Israelite and Ancient Near Eastern Prophecy (Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas)
EAN 9780884140238 41.02 USD -
The Hittites and Their World (Archaeology and Biblical Studies)
EAN 9781589832961 28.31 USD -
The Jewish Heroes of Christian History: Hebrews 11 in Literary Context (Sbl Symposium Series)
EAN 9780788502460 38.13 USD -
Reading Law as Narrative. A Study in the Casuistic Laws of the Pentateuch
EAN 9781589834804 29.67 USD -
The Book of Ezekiel: Theological and Anthropological Perspectives (Studies in Pre-Columbian Art & Archaeology)
EAN 9780884140245 39.99 USD -
Where to Live. the Hermeneutical Significance of Paul"s Citations from Scripture in Galatians 3:1-14
EAN 9781589830844 42.60 USD -
Unity and Diversity in the Gospels and Paul
EAN 9781589836815 50.90 USD -
The Rituals and Myths of the Feast of the Goodly Gods of KTU/CAT 1.23: Royal Constructions of Opposition, Intersection, Integration, and Domination (Sbl - Resources for Biblical Study)
EAN 9781589832039 22.46 USD